Influenced by Roland Emmerich, you fear the end of the world for 2012? You stick your finger in the eye to the elbow. It is expected for 2036. These are very serious Russian scientists who say: A giant asteroid could hit Earth in April 2036, announced Wednesday, December 30 the director of the Russian space agency, Anatoly Perminov. Read Article
The asteroid Apophis, that any astronaut can see the end of his telescope on condition of living in Europe or North Africa, now operates in space so that its path could bring it to hit our planet to 2036. The diameter of Apophis is 350 meters, three football fields. The collision with the asteroid could cause the severe impact the instant transformation into a desert area the size of France or serious tsunami, according to RIA Novosti.
The Russian scientists believe that Apophis could first go to 30 000 kilometers of Earth in 2029, is closer than many satellites orbiting the planet blue. The collision would be only seven years later. "Better to spend a few million dollars to create a system to prevent collisions we expect it to happen in killing thousands of people," said Anatoly Permino to 20minutes.
How to prevent a collision between two space bodies? Using explosives to break up the asteroid, technical frequently used in movies, would that aggravating consequences: the fragments would come crashing to Earth. The U.S. space agency (NASA) has planned a time to send a spacecraft close to Apophis. The force of attraction between two objects would be enough to change the way the asteroid.
NASA has however revised its fears down in October 2009. "Apophis is a celestial body hyper-publicized since its discovery 200.